«Robert Walser-Sculpture» from Thomas Hirschhorn

Book «Robert Walser-Sculpture»

A reference catalogue on "Robert Walser-Sculpture" has been produced, with more than 1,000 illustrations and numerous contributions by Thomas Hirschhorn, Kathleen Bühler, Ann Cotten, Mara Genschel, Julia Gelshorn, José Gsell, Wiebke Hahn, Anna Kowalska, Roman Lauterbacher, Cédric Némitz, Gabriela Pereira, Jean-Pierre Rochat, Armin Senser, Marcus Steinweg and Jules Sturm. 

The original contributions, which were created during the Robert Walser-Sculpture, have been printed as facsimiles and left in their original language.The texture of the book thus conveys something of the simplicity and spontaneity of the events created during the life of the Robert Walser-Scultpure. Only the contributions written in the wake of the event and which therefore already begin to interpret this art project, as well as the texts by the artist, which comprehensively reflect his activity, have been translated into French, German and English. 

The main objective of this comprehensive work is to accompany and document the realisation of this public sculpture. As with Thomas Hirschhorn's previous projects of presence and production, this is inevitably an attempt that remains fragmentary. However, everything is prepared with testimonies, field reports, artists' texts and other sources in order to deepen the art historical reception of the work.

Book information:
Thomas Hirschhorn: Robert Walser-Sculpture 2016-2020
Edited by Kathleen Bühler, Swiss Sculpture Exhibition Foundation Biel

Texts by Kathleen Bühler, Ann Cotten, Julia Gelshorn, Mara Genschel, José Gsell, Wiebke Hahn, Thomas Hirschhorn, Anna Kowalska, Roman Luterbacher, Nono G. Petlane, Marcus Steinweg, Gabriela Pereira, Jean-Pierre Rochat, Armin Senser, Jules Sturm

  • Livre «Robert Walser-Sculpture», expo 2019
    Livre «Robert Walser-Sculpture»