4th Swiss Sculpture Exhibition Biel

Marcel Joray

Sculpture 1966

For the fourth time in twelve years, Bienne is taking the pulse of sculpture in Switzerland.
The jury has chosen 174 sculptures from over 500 works submitted by 140 artists. The jurors tried to assemble the most typical works from the various currents to which our sculptors feel themselves drawn. Some visitors will be pleased to find names with which they are familiar from earlier editions of the show; at the same time there are new and unknown talents to discover who give our exhibition a more youthful face.
But the new face is also due to a completely changed setting. After the wide-open lakeshores of 1962 that were exceptionally favorable to many large-scale works but where pieces of lesser dimensions or not conceived for an outdoor setting found themselves very nearly lost, this year’s edition features sculptures that relate to architecture. Limited space was rediscovered and with it an intimacy that befits many works without getting in the way of the monumental sculptures. Here the sculptures are placed in a man-made context that is worthy of them (because the Palais des Congrès, which the architect Max Schlup conceived as an appropriation of space, ultimately turned into a remarkable work of art in its own right due to the virtues of its creator) – sculptures connected to architecture, or integrated into it, or engaged in a dialogue with it.
Two great Swiss sculptors, both recently deceased, were to be honored here: Alberto Giacometti and Zoltan Kemeny. Swiss-born with a career that tied him to Paris the former, of Hungarian descent but naturalized in Switzerland the latter. Kemeny eventually settled in Zürich and created almost his entire œuvre there. Both conquered the world and were awarded the Grand Prix of the Venice Biennial, Giacometti in 1962, and Kemeny in 1964. Their work is represented in the great museums of the world and they remain our best ambassadors. We are showing a wonderful group of Kemeny sculptures but only a few pieces of Giacometti because the Kunsthalle in Basel is currently showing an exhibition dedicated entirely to his work.
Although the exhibition is limited to Swiss artists we felt justified to include two prestigious foreign artists among the participants for important services they contributed to the arts in our country: Jean Arp, resident of Locarno and Meudon, whose generosity affords us the privilege to honor several artists with important prizes; Francesco Somaini, to whom we owe thanks for bringing our exhibition of 1958 to Como, Italy; Arp is one of the glories of 20th century sculpture; Somaini, one of the most authentic creators of the younger generation
Marcel Joray
Translation French – English © Dieter Kuhn

  • Cerbère, Müller Robert, expo 1966
  • Gruppe, Purtschert Franz, expo 1966
  • Trilogie, D'Altri Arnold, expo 1966
  • Orgue atomic, Schüpfer Ernst, expo 1966
    Orgue atomic
  • Polyvolume: colonne multi-développable, Vieira Mara, expo 1966
    Polyvolume: colonne multi-développable
  • Rilièvo, Rossi Remo, expo 1966
  • Raumgreifend, Engler Jakob, expo 1966
  • Sunbird, Witschi Friedrich (Framus), expo 1966
  • Farbiges Holzrelief, Bänzinger Ueli, expo 1966
    Farbiges Holzrelief
  • Polyvolume: interruption semi-développable, Vieira Mara, expo 1966
    Polyvolume: interruption semi-développable
  • Mutter mit Kind, D'Altri Arnold, expo 1966
    Mutter mit Kind
  • Construction II, Frutiger Adrian, expo 1966
    Construction II
  • Relief double, Rouiller Albert, expo 1966
    Relief double
  • Raumknoten, Egloff Anton, expo 1966
  • Nu, Giacometti Alberto, expo 1966
  • Proue, Ramseyer André, expo 1966
  • Heureuxgraphie, Kemeny Zoltan, expo 1966
  • Entité Ailée, Arp Jean, expo 1966
    Entité Ailée
  • Skulptur I, Grunder Mariann, expo 1966
    Skulptur I
  • Fig. III-65, Zürcher Arnold, expo 1966
    Fig. III-65
  • Toro I, Fischer Franz, expo 1966
    Toro I
  • Strahler, Luginbühl Bernhard, expo 1966
  • L’Etoile, Hebeisen Ernst, expo 1966
  • Eremita, Selmoni Pierino, expo 1966
  • 38 J, Wiggli Oskar, expo 1966
    38 J
  • Roue-Forêt I, Arp Jean, expo 1966
    Roue-Forêt I
  • Endlose Linien auf 5 Ebenen, Witschi Werner, expo 1966
    Endlose Linien auf 5 Ebenen
  • Bronzeschild I, Rehmann Erwin, expo 1966
    Bronzeschild I
  • Buon samaritano, Rossi Remo, expo 1966
    Buon samaritano
  • 38 F, Wiggli Oskar, expo 1966
    38 F
  • Symbol, Fischli Hans, expo 1966
  • Addio, Somaini Francesco, expo 1966
  • Vie éternelle, D'Altri Arnold, expo 1966
    Vie éternelle
  • Pour un jardin, Affolter André (Condé), expo 1966
    Pour un jardin
  • Buste sur socle, Giacometti Alberto, expo 1966
    Buste sur socle
  • Proportion/Action/Emotion, Kemeny Zoltan, expo 1966
  • Sculpture (le rêve), Hächler Peter, expo 1966
    Sculpture (le rêve)
  • Variation, Saegesser Marguerite, expo 1966
  • Gruppe 1965, Weiss Max, expo 1966
    Gruppe 1965
  • Stele, Vögeli Walter, expo 1966
  • Eisenplastik, Brignoni Serge, expo 1966
  • Relief, Vögeli Walter, expo 1966
  • Form III, Perincioli Marcel, expo 1966
    Form III
  • Herbstvögel, Germann-Jahn Charlotte, expo 1966
  • Komposition, Conne Louis, expo 1966
  • Relief, Teucher Otto, expo 1966
  • Signal, Fischli Hans, expo 1966
  • Symbole, Bianchi Paul, expo 1966
  • Turm, Megert Christian, expo 1966
  • L’Orgue, Müller Robert, expo 1966
  • Trio version 3, Lachat Nicole, expo 1966
    Trio version 3
  • Kinetische Plastik, Berger Ueli, expo 1966
    Kinetische Plastik
  • Skulptur, Koch Ödon, expo 1966
  • 165 M, Gutmann Willi, expo 1966
    165 M
  • Bronzerelief, Suter Paul, expo 1966
  • Vegetation, D'Altri Arnold, expo 1966
  • San Vinoco, Rossi Remo, expo 1966
    San Vinoco
  • Grande Ferito, Somaini Francesco, expo 1966
    Grande Ferito
  • Nébuleuse, Ramseyer André, expo 1966
  • Tête sur socle, Giacometti Alberto, expo 1966
    Tête sur socle
  • Liegende Figur, Suter Paul, expo 1966
    Liegende Figur
  • 38 L, Wiggli Oskar, expo 1966
    38 L
  • Torso eines Kolosses, Weiss Max, expo 1966
    Torso eines Kolosses
  • Lichtskulptur, Bögli Robert, expo 1966
  • Zwei sind eins, Lienhard Robert, expo 1966
    Zwei sind eins
  • Kegelsäule, Distel Herbert, expo 1966
  • Amazone, Bär Nelly, expo 1966
  • Struttura No 19, Gilardi Bernocco R., expo 1966
    Struttura No 19
  • Eherne Säule, Mattioli Silvio, expo 1966
    Eherne Säule
  • Formergänzung, Witschi Werner, expo 1966
  • Les Grands Mutants, Gigon André, expo 1966
    Les Grands Mutants
  • Femme penchée, Braus Hedwig, expo 1966
    Femme penchée
  • Die Heimatlosen, Stankiewicz Zygmunt, expo 1966
    Die Heimatlosen
  • Mécanisme de la Conception, Kemeny Zoltan, expo 1966
    Mécanisme de la Conception
  • Femme assise, Schwarz Heinz, expo 1966
    Femme assise
  • Quader I, Sallenbach Katharina, expo 1966
    Quader I
  • Esprit synthétique, Kemeny Zoltan, expo 1966
    Esprit synthétique
  • Torse, Schwarz Heinz, expo 1966
  • Obliqua, Somaini Francesco, expo 1966
  • Femme, Giacometti Alberto, expo 1966
  • Grand Astre, Ramseyer André, expo 1966
    Grand Astre
  • Rotor I, Fivian Bendicht, expo 1966
    Rotor I
  • Skulptur, Koch Ödon, expo 1966
  • Bimbo, Luginbühl Bernhard, expo 1966
  • Eisenplastik, Brignoni Serge, expo 1966
  • Fig. II-62, Zürcher Arnold, expo 1966
    Fig. II-62
  • Hydromobile 466, Zeller André-Paul, expo 1966
    Hydromobile 466
  • Relief: Composition III, Emile Angéloz, expo 1966
    Relief: Composition III
  • Lichtskulptur, Bögli Robert, expo 1966
  • Exode II, Studer-Koch Rosa, expo 1966
    Exode II
  • Man of war, Stieger Jacqueline, expo 1966
    Man of war
  • Rotor II, Fivian Bendicht, expo 1966
    Rotor II
  • 166 M, Gutmann Willi, expo 1966
    166 M
  • Kombination IV, Schneider Jimmy Fred, expo 1966
    Kombination IV
  • E.12, Duarte Angel, expo 1966
  • Femme-peysage, Arp Jean, expo 1966
  • 6.6.66, Gigon André, expo 1966
  • Raum und Zeit (Entmaterialisierung auf Sprengplastik), Weber Willy, expo 1966
    Raum und Zeit (Entmaterialisierung auf Sprengplastik)
  • Din, Luginbühl Bernhard, expo 1966
  • Rex, Luginbühl Bernhard, expo 1966
  • 1275, Benazzi Raffael, expo 1966
  • Verschiebung aus Kugel, Berger Ueli, expo 1966
    Verschiebung aus Kugel
  • Das Loch, Benazzi Raffael, expo 1966
    Das Loch
  • Bronzeschild I, Rehmann Erwin, expo 1966
    Bronzeschild I
  • Die Meinungen, Wagner Hans Ruedi, expo 1966
    Die Meinungen
  • 38 E, Wiggli Oskar, expo 1966
    38 E
  • Gruppe III, Engler Jakob, expo 1966
    Gruppe III
  • Brunnentisch I, Rehmann Erwin, expo 1966
    Brunnentisch I
  • Metallreflief KU II, Staub Josef, expo 1966
    Metallreflief KU II
  • Scrutant l’Horizon, Arp Jean, expo 1966
    Scrutant l’Horizon
  • Etude préliminaire sur le dosage des formes dans l’image faiblement alliée avec l’espace, Kemeny Zoltan, expo 1966
    Etude préliminaire sur le dosage des formes dans l’image faiblement alliée avec l’espace
  • Braut des Hephaistos, Mattioli Silvio, expo 1966
    Braut des Hephaistos
  • Stele, Mattioli Silvio, expo 1966
  • Das Schiff, Küng René, expo 1966
    Das Schiff
  • Tele I, Saegesser Marguerite, expo 1966
    Tele I
  • Torse-Amphore, Arp Jean, expo 1966
  • La Mort d’Heraklès, Gisiger Hansjörg, expo 1966
    La Mort d’Heraklès
  • Cubes disposés en arabesques, Reymond Casimir, expo 1966
    Cubes disposés en arabesques
  • Construction I, Frutiger Adrian, expo 1966
    Construction I
  • Concrétion, Perrin Fred, expo 1966
  • Marmorskulptur, Wyss Josef, expo 1966
  • Zeichen, Fischli Hans, expo 1966
  • Stehende, Weyl Hellen, expo 1966
  • L’Archange, Müller Robert, expo 1966
  • La Chimère, Affolter André (Condé), expo 1966
    La Chimère
  • Zweiteilige Skulptur, Koch Ödon, expo 1966
    Zweiteilige Skulptur
  • Tilt, Selmoni Pierino, expo 1966
  • Figur II, Aeschbacher Hans, expo 1966
    Figur II
  • Sterbender Krieger, Probst Jacob, expo 1966
    Sterbender Krieger
  • Aphrodite, Weiss Max, expo 1966
  • Konzentration, Witschi Friedrich (Framus), expo 1966
  • Grande Racconto Patetico, Somaini Francesco, expo 1966
    Grande Racconto Patetico
  • E. 2.A., Duarte Angel, expo 1966
    E. 2.A.
  • Mahopac I, Bolomey Roger, expo 1966
    Mahopac I
  • Kontraktion, Volz Hermann, expo 1966
  • Vacca e toro, Rossi Remo, expo 1966
    Vacca e toro
  • Figure debout, Mathys Marcel, expo 1966
    Figure debout
  • Form mit Loch, Kunz Peter, expo 1966
    Form mit Loch
  • 1271, Benazzi Raffael, expo 1966
  • Primavera d’altoforno I, Somaini Francesco, expo 1966
    Primavera d’altoforno I
  • Trio version 2, Lachat Nicole, expo 1966
    Trio version 2